IBS Awareness Month–GF Newsletter

Declaration of Recognition - April is IBS Awareness Month in Virginia

April is IBS Awareness Month. And, for the 1st time, Virginia has officially recognized it as IBS Awareness Month! Many thanks to this administration for their support, and to Pam Emmer for starting this initiative across the country.

Now, you may already be more aware of IBS than you’d like. It’s very common—approximately affecting 45 million people in the U.S. It’s a condition of gut-brain interactions with chronic change in bowel habits and abdominal discomfort. Sometimes people have IBS solo; sometimes it tags along with other conditions, like Celiac, IBD, gastroparesis, MCAS, etc.

"Poop" chocolate pudding for IBS Awareness Month

The good news is that IBS does not lead to increased risk of cancer or death, but it does have a severe impact on quality of life for many people. Currently, there isn’t a cure, but there’s a lot that can be done to improve symptoms through diet, lifestyle changes, exercise, supplements, stress management, sleep, medications, and more.

Yes, for real, diet affects IBS, at least for many people. Most likely you already know this. ? Now the AGA recognizes it, too!

Great piece on IBS and stress on NPR

Low FODMAP, gluten-free bunny meringue cookies

Can gut microbiome predict long COVID? A new study suggests this may be a thing. (preliminary data, of course, and more study needed)

An article on diet and IBD in TIME

Dr. Mark Pimentel’s new book from Cedar Sinai on SIBO is out! And they are donating profits in April to World Central Kitchen.

Gluten-free, low FODMAP meringue bunnies—Kosher for Passover, too! (video recipe), with recipe written out here

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