April G-Free Newsletter

Low FODMAP, gluten-free bunny meringue cookies
Easter Bunny Meringues!

It’s a strange time right now. I know, the understatement of the century. A month ago, I/we were all out and about and didn’t know how much would have changed, and how fast, and yet here we are. So…

Want to attend a great Celiac conference? For free? (ok, a donation) From home? Of course you do! Canadian Celiac Association is having their annual meeting online.

Easter bunny meringues—Passover friendly, too! Hop on over.

sprouted garlic

Sprouting garlic: Whether you’re low FODMAP and avoiding garlic, or looking for a fun DIY experiment to entertain yourself, or looking for something to entertain your kids, hopefully you can get your hands on garlic and some dirt, because that’s all you’ll need for this little experiment. This is perfect weather for sprouting it outside in Virginia right now.

Stay home, stay safe and wishing everyone the best.

Harris Whole Health offers individual sessions, currently only virtually! Cheryl works with people to feel and look their best with a range of specialties, including Celiac Disease, IBS, and a range of tummy troubles,  promoting great health and “whole foods” eating. Let’s get you on your way to achieving your goals. For an appointment with Cheryl Harris, Registered Dietitian and Nutritionist, please click here, email or call 571-271-8742.


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