July GFree News Roundup

snap peas
Snap peas from the Harris Whole Health garden

I hope you’re having a great and relaxing Summertime! I planned to skip the newsletter for June, and then a bunch of fun studies and news came out and so… here you go!

Well, this is disappointing: one promising medication, ImmunsanT seems like it’s no longer viable, after a trial showed that it was no better than placebo.

RNA changes in active Celiac disease: this may seem abstract… or sort of dry… but it’s fascinating, even if you’re not a science geek like me! Among the most interesting findings was that there are genetic differences in gene expression between people without Celiac, people with Celiac who are “treated” (on a GFD) or people with active Celiac (eating gluten). It notes “The researchers also found evidence to suggest that the risk of co-morbid autoimmune disorder may be high in active celiac disease, as pathways for type 1 diabetes, lupus and autoimmune thyroid disease also were upregulated.”

Now, that’s a big deal… and a really good reason to make sure no gluten is getting in your diet if you have Celiac.

More on g-free in restaurants… it looks like the FDA may be starting to take this seriously. This makes me so happy! I know, many years (decades?) overdue, but still.

New, and very neat research: fiber in the diet of pregnant mamas may prevent Celiac in children. But not just any fiber. Fiber from fruits and veggies, not cereals. The research also found that having moms follow a GF diet did not seem to offer protection to the babies (in moms without Celiac)

IBS and SIBO—a great podcast with the latest and greatest with Dr. Pimmentel, with updates from Digestive Disease Week 2019

IBS and a low FODMAP diet… it works. A nice overview from the Washington Post.

Why women get more autoimmune disease… it’s all about the placenta? Maybe. A new research team says so. It’s an interesting article, and we’ll see where this theory goes. If you like keeping up with research, I do try to post digestive research on my Facebook page on an ongoing basis.

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