Gluten Freedom-A Review & Giveaway

In the 7 years I’ve begluten freedomen writing monthly gluten-free newsletters, I’ve never dedicated a whole newsletter to a review. This is the exception, of course, because I am absolutely delighted to have a chance to review AND do a giveaway of Gluten Freedom, Dr. Fasano’s new book, which will be released on May 1st, 2014. As I’m sure most of you know, Dr. Fasano is one of the leading experts in Celiac disease and gluten sensitivity worldwide, and most people consider him THE leading expert. I have utmost respect for Dr. Fasano and the Center for Celiac Research and the amazing work they’ve done over the years. I’ve also had the pleasure to meet Dr. Fasano, and I’m amazed that he’s such a down-to-earth, funny guy. He’s got that rare blend of brilliance with the ability to connect with people on a human level.

So yes, I’m definitely a fan.

Turner Publishing was kind enough to provide me a review copy, which I’ve read cover to cover. This is a must-read for any with Celiac and/or gluten sensitivity, and anyone who  if fascinated by these conditions.

The first several chapters lay out the history of Celiac research in the U.S. and gluten sensitivity. He then dives into hot topics, like autoimmunity and leaky gut, the gluten-brain connection, Celiac pregnancy, g-free in college, gluten-free as we age, and much, much more. He touches on key questions, like autism and schizophrenia. He even covers new therapies and treatments coming down the pike, apps, resources and more. Should everyone be gluten-free? Do you need to avoid all products containing “made in a factory that processes wheat?” Dr. Fasano answers those directly, too.

My favorite parts?

  • There are lots of great case studies. Dr. Fasano tells a story of a patient who has Hashimoto’s, and she was quite underweight. Her thyroid antibody numbers were elevated, and her docs said nothing could be done and medication was inevitable. Since the girl didn’t have Celiac, the docs dismissed any possible gluten-thyroid link, but her father was intent on giving it a go regardless. And, as you might guess, the girl had a profound response to a gluten-free diet, and improved appetite and growth, and her antibodies dropped, too. (Of course, this isn’t presented as a guarantee, but since it does happen for some, I’m really glad to see stories like these highlighted.)
  • There’s a great story of a boy who presented with symptoms like autism. He actually had Celiac disease, and his symptoms resolved on the gluten-free diet.
  • There’s also a fascinating discussion on the possible role of tTG 6 in the gluten/ schizophrenia link in neuro inflammation
  • According to new data, ~10-20% of people with Celiac will have negative blood test results. That’s a higher number than I’ve seen in the past.
  • The latest and greatest future treatments and prevention of Celiac
  • …and much more.

I think anyone with Celiac or NCGS will love this book, and health care professionals, too. It does touch on gluten-free basics, label reading and there’s even a chapter on setting up a gluten-free kitchen with Jules Sheperd, but it’s probably not the best fit for someone just diagnosed 5 minutes ago mainly looking for coping strategies and baking tips.

Oh, and the best part? 100% of the proceeds from the sale of Gluten Freedom go to the Center for Celiac Research. It’s on sale through Amazon now, and will be released at the end of April.

And so…you know you need this book. I asked Turner Publishing if I could do a giveaway, and they agreed. Here’s what you need to do to enter:

  1. Why are you most excited about this book? Leave me a comment below
  2. Follow Center for Celiac Research on Twitter, and leave me a comment below to let me know you did.
  3. “Like” Center for Celiac Research on Facebook and leave me a comment below to let me know you did.
  4. Follow me on Twitter, @CherylHarrisRD and leave me a comment below to let me know you did.
  5. Follow Turner Publishing on Twitter and leave me a comment below to let me know you did.
  6. Post about this giveaway on Facebook and leave me a comment below to let me know you did.
  7. Post about this giveaway on Twitter and leave me a comment below to let me know you did.

That’s a total of 7 separate possible entries. Please leave a separate comment for each entry so that I can easily keep track!

This giveaway will be open until Saturday, April 19th 9pm EST, 2014.

UPDATE: the interview is closed, and Alyssa won “Gluten Freedom”. Congrats!

Many thanks to Turner Publishing for allowing me to do this giveaway, and providing me an advanced copy of Gluten Freedom.

Disclaimer: I did receive a free copy of this book, and that did not influence my views in this review. I was not compensated for this review.

42 Replies to “Gluten Freedom-A Review & Giveaway”

  1. I heard Dr. Fasano speak at a conference and was blown away by his excitement on speaking about his research on this topic.He obviously cares deeply and is concerned about the history of, research into, and condition of people who are or who should not be eating foods containing wheat. I am sure that he can impart his excitement and caring in written form just as well as through
    as he can through the spoken one.

  2. I ‘liked’ the Center on Facebook — somehow I’d missed their page previously.

  3. I just followed Turner Publishing on Twitter. They have an interesting catalog. Just what I need, more books!

  4. I have never read anything by Dr. Fasano; I have heard him speak. His book would be interesting to read.

  5. I have seen Dr. Fasano speak 2 times in Baltimore, MD. I loved his enthusiasm and he always had new and interesting information. I always thought it would be great if he would write a book. This has happened and I am looking forward to reading this book!

  6. A while ago, I heard Dr. Fasano speak at one of our support group meetings and learned a lot. Although I’ve been gluten-free for a number of years, I continue to read about Celiac Disease. An book by expert Dr. Fasano would be a great addition to my education.

  7. Why am I excited about Dr Fasano’s book? It will be a great tool for us to use to educate ourselves and support our young son on his journey of living with Celiac disease. Thanks for the review!

  8. My daughter was recently diagnosed with celiac disease and I have a gluten sensitivity. I would like to learn as much as possible about this disease and how to support my daughter through this transition.

  9. I am new to the gluten free world myself as of Oct. of last yr. My daughter told in May she should stop gluten but refused until seeing such great results with me. And my mother (self diagnosed) over 10 years ago and confirmed thru blood test (finally) 6 yrs ago as Celica. I would love to win for my mother. Any new updated info would be most interesting for her since she follows any and all info and critical for her health since she is in her 70’s.

  10. I’ve just learned about the benefits of being gluten free, but I’m struggling with preparing meals, so much to learn!

  11. I am most excited about this book to share the information with my celiac support group. Thanks!

  12. Currently doing some food elimination experiments in my daily diet and would love to be more informed on gluten freedom!

  13. I have had fibromyalgia and joint pain for many years, asthma and allergies for four. I am very interested in strategies to get rid of them and this book will aid in that.

  14. This sounds like a very informative and interesting book. Would love to win the copy but if not, may have to purchase it! Many thanks for your information about this!

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