Gluten-free Summertime Fun

Summertime Fun

Celiac Disease Video Project

In the News



Summertime Fun:

For many people, summertime is filled with picnics, outdoor adventures and travel. With a little planning, you can make sure to have fun and take care of your health, too.

Picnics and cookouts tend to work well for a gluten-free diet. Most grilled foods, like 100% burgers, hot dogs, chicken breasts, etc. are gluten-free in the regular grocery store, so you can coordinate with your host and ask about any marinades, or just bring your own food to grill. For vegetarians, Portabella mushrooms, red pepper sandwiches (my favorite) and veggie skewers work well. If they’re grilling buns, marinated meat, or anything else ‘glutenous’ in the same area, bring along aluminum foil to wrap your food and keep it safe from cross contamination. Just bring along your own bun, or in a pinch, use a lettuce leaf as a wrapper. It helps to carry a few little packets of condiments, in case there aren’t squeeze bottles of mayo or mustard. Green salads, fruit salads and watermelon are usually on the menu, and don’t forget grilled corn as a yummy treat!  Quinoa salads are wonderful in this weather, and are getting more popular. Ice cream, popsicles and frozen fruit bars are often gluten-free, though it’s important to check the label. Since these events are often potlucks, it’s easy to bring along a safe dish that you’ll enjoy.

No matter what you love to do, go out and have a fabulous summer!

Celiac Disease and a Gluten-Free Diet Videos are out!

I am very, very pleased to announce that the videos are out, and I think they’re wonderful teaching tools!
Celiac disease and a Gluten-free diet and feature:

  • *Dr. John Snyder, Chief of the Dept Gastroenterology at CNMC in DC
  • *Dr. Gary Kaplan, from Kaplan Center for Integrative Medicine
  • *Cheryl Harris, MPH, RD Registered Dietitian and Nutritionist

Discussing testing, diagnosis and follow-up, eating a gluten-free diet and gluten-sensitivity.

These are intended as a portable teaching tool and a way of sharing info with
friends and family so they can help you on your gluten-free journey.

Though there are an increasing number of videos out there on people’s stories
of diagnosis and ways to make a gluten-free pie, this is the first of its kind
to do a run-down of the medical and diet basics by healthcare professionals.
The Celiac Sprue Association has been kind enough to support the project.

Help me get the word out!

New research:

A new Finnish study shows that people who don’t meet a full criteria for Celiac benefit from a gluten-free diet. The study was done with people who have positive antibodies for gluten, although they did not (yet) have villus damage, nor did they report symptoms prior to testing.  Hopefully someday we have a better classification for people who are in this grey area, and it’s certainly useful to have research demonstrate that waiting for villus damage many not be necessary or ideal.

In the News

  • The Washingtonian Blog has a weekly food diary column, and this week featured a gluten-sensitive vegetarian.  Check it out!
  • Interesting research on the usefulness and accuracy of direct to consumer genetic tests
  • What’s really gluten-free? Gluten-Free Watchdog, which does independent screening for gluten in various projects is officially launched.
  • Betty Crocker is hosting a baking contest during the month of June, and there’s a chance to win $5000 (and bragging rights, of course)
  • Check out the W.H.O.L.E Gang’s May series on 30 days to Easy Gluten-Free Living.  There are a bunch of great posts (30, to be exact!) and I have one of my most popular handouts there, too.
  • 1 in 133 The big cake was eaten, but the real success of 1 in 133 depends on what we do afterwards to make sure people are aware that gluten-free labeling laws were due out in August, 2008, and they’re still not out.  Thanks to a lot of great press for the event, hopefully there will soon be progress on this front, and FDA officials said they’re paying attention.  Only time (and continued attention) will tell!  While you’re at it, do stop by the 1 in 133 website and sign the petition and/or donate to the cause.


1st DC Vendor Expo and Cocktail Party is July 8th to benefit the Children’s National Medical Center Celiac Disease Program

Marion of Marion’s Smart Delights is hosting a gluten-free cookie decorating class at the Alexandria Whole Foods on June 27th.  Bring your little ones along for the fun!

Harris Whole Health offers individual sessions, family sessions and group classes to help people eat healthier and feel better! Whether you are dealing with Celiac Disease, food allergies, picky eaters, children on the Autistic spectrum, chronic illness, or if you just want to feel and look better, Cheryl can help you achieve your goals. For an appointment with Cheryl Harris, Registered Dietitian and Nutritionist, please click here or call 571-271-8742.

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