So much news in the digestive & gluten-free world! Here’s a quick round up:

- New BMJ study on Celiac and cardiovascular disease, showing increased risks for people with Celiac
- Finally! New guidelines for management for adults with Celiac, and there are changes, including much more thorough nutrient testing recommendations. There’s still a recommendation for seeing a dietitian… ?
- Lots of important news from Gluten-free watchdog re: oats and contamination, so if you haven’t been following that, I’d recommend it.
- The Crohn’s and Colitis foundation just launched a new website:
- Newest article on POTS and long COVID
- A new study (not yet peer reviewed) showed a substantial increase (42.6%) in rates of auto-immune disease among people who’ve had COVID. One of the highest increases was in the development of Celiac. Certainly concerning.
- New studies show people with ME/CFS have different gut bacteria than healthy controls.
It’s just about Valentine’s day, so if you’re looking for something delicious to make, I have a list of naturally gluten-free desserts right here.
Cheryl Harris, MPH, RD is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and Certified Wellcoach in Fairfax, VA. She helps people with a range of dietary issues, including Celiac Disease, digestive issues, preventing diseases and “whole foods” eating. Let’s get you on your way to achieving your goals and feeling great! Email or call 571-271-8742.