Happy New Year…here’s to a happy, healthy 2021.
Let’s start off with the most common question I’ve heard in the last month re: recommendations for adults. VACCINES!

Yes, if you have Celiac, you can get the vaccine– there aren’t reasons for concern. Here’s a statement from SSCD. “There is no evidence to suggest that people with Celiac disease would be more prone to an adverse effect of vaccination.”
FWIW, the same guidance exists for those of you reading this with IBD: get the vaccine! “The bottom line, she said, is that ‘it’s much safer to get a vaccine than it is to take your chances of getting COVID-19.'”
Or, if reading a Tweetorial is more your thing, here’s a good one:
If you’ve got IBS, there’s no specific guidance, but the best bet is the same: get vaccinated!
Worried because you have food allergies? (not allergies to vaccines/vaccine components). That shouldn’t be a problem. Really. “People with common allergies to medications, foods, inhalants, insects, and latex are probably no more likely than the general public to have an allergic reaction to the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines”. MCAS may be a different story, though, and there’s inadequate research, so do speak to your doctor.
Oh, and the other question I get. Given that I, personally, have a ton of autoimmune diseases and food intolerances, am I going to get the vaccine?
YES!!! Yes I am. YES! As soon as I can.
I hope you do, too.
As always, do check in with your health care team…
- For those interested in Crohn’s and UC, there’s a patient education event online on Jan 30th
- For GI RDs/colleagues–this is a wonderful article on GI disorders an eating disorders. The crossover is huge and significant, and affects the whole range of GI disorders, from Celiac to IBD to IBS and GERD. Eating disorders and disordered eating isn’t only weight loss–sometimes it’s fear of food. If this speaks to you as a patient, give it to your doctor.
- For my RD colleagues or GIs, fantastic article from Kate Scarlata, MPH, RDN and Emily Haller, MS, RDN on the value of RDs to a GI practice
- Healthier gluten free habits webinar with the wonderful Melinda Dennis, MS, RD…more info here
- New year, new healthy habits? I hope so! I recorded a short mindfulness meditation video of awareness of senses. It’s a nice way to pause and take a break.
Cheryl Harris, MPH, RD is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and Certified Wellcoach in Fairfax, VA. She helps adults with a range of dietary issues, including Celiac Disease, digestive issues, preventing diseases and “whole foods” eating. Let’s get you on your way to achieving your goals and feeling great! Email or call 571-271-8742.