Specific Carbohydrate Diet

Starting the SCD? Start here:scd-books-smaller

The official Breaking the Vicious Cycle Website: (link currently down)

If you’re going to get started, you do want to read the official book by Elaine Gottschall.

I authored a course for Registered Dietitian Nutritionists on using the SCD for IBD, which is here. It reviews the recent research and reasons behind using the diet.

Here’s an article for the general public on the origins of and all about the SCD. Did you know it was initially intended for people with Celiac?

Another great book to start is NIMBAL therapy, by David Suskind, MD. It’s directed at children, but easy to understand the science, and has some great recipes, too.

He also has the *BEST* list of recipes:

You’ll need to get a yogurt maker:

And the probiotic starter:

There are a bunch of books and websites. First, cookbooks!

Recipes for the SCD:


Every Day Grain Free Gourmet:

List of SCD recipes/recipe sites:


Pecan Bread-aimed at children, lots of info:

